

Pardon the esoteric tangent. It’s hard to resist prattling on about matters like this.

While trivia sections are fine, it might be a good idea to merge some of this material into relevant sections of the main text, because this trivia section is bloated.In particular: There is a lot of symbolism that could be mentioned in a separate paragraph.

  • Although Calliope and Caliborn’s birthday and age are not mentioned in canon, Hussie has stated that it would make sense that their birthday is 11/11 and that they are eleven «units» old.
  • Her shipping habits may also be a reference to the cherub Cupid who causes people to fall in love.
  • of Calliope’s conversations with Jane is an antithesis of Karkat’s with Jade (as well as the between Kanaya and Aradia).
  • Calliope, Caliborn, and Karkat have all sworn off «hemotyping» and use custom grays which differ slightly from the more common RGB-defined grays. In the hex code of Calliope’s color, the 6’s from Karkat’s color are replaced by 9’s (#626262 becomes #929292); Karkat’s symbol is an inverted 69.
    • Calliope’s suit possesses red ‘9’s as cuff-links, linking her with Karkat’s Ancestor, The Signless.
    • 92 is the atomic number of uranium. Uranium is naturally silvery grey, but in some forms appears bright green, similar to the two colors of Calliope’s chat symbol and also tying with Calliope being a lime-blood.
    • This also ties her in with Jade, as both are Space players who are associated with uranium. This also makes a connection to Becquerel, who happens to be a First Guardian like Doc Scratch.
    • Karkat Vantas’ typing color is directly in between that of Calliope and Caliborn’s.
  • Calliope’s chat client

    Caliborn’s swaps cheering for jeering.

    begins and ends with cheering, which is different from Pesterchum, Trollian, and Bettybother which begin and cease with pestering, trolling, and bothering, respectively.

  • Calliope’s fake horns look quite similar to the horns in the poster of . Oddly enough, the poster immediately left of that depicts a clown with horns that curve identically on both sides, resembling a «U» shape as a result.
  • All of Calliope’s in-universe artwork is drawn by Shelby Cragg.
    • On , part of the artwork for coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B is one of her drawings.
    • , which she describes as «a drawing of nothing in particular. Nothing you understand, at least», resembles the Red Giant Sun .
  • The closeup of Calliope’s and Caliborn’s eyes are the same closeup of Lil Cal’s eyes with different colors.
  • It’s unclear how the Janes from both timelines acquired Calliope’s juju, due to their unique nature.
    • There could be three Calliopes in the comic (and two Caliborns as well) despite having no possible timeline Gamzee would come to raise another cherub.
    • As somehow two Jakes got Caliborn’s sucker and a lot of events were reshown in the new timeline, it’s most likely Andrew did not have John’s retcons planned to the end. This coincides with the multiple hiatuses the comic had later and Hiveswap’s schedule.
  • Her holster and gun are identical to the ones in Doc Scratch’s possession.
  • Unlike other ghosts, Calliope’s body has completely black eyes compared to the white eyes of others. Her troll disguise, however, has white. This may be unique to cherub ghosts.
  • Even though they share a body, Calliope’s tongue is while Caliborn’s is .
  • Calliope has joined the growing list of characters to reference .
  • Calliope is left-handed.
  • Calliope’s name is a play on words to what is known as a Space-Time Calliope.
  • Using Calliope’s blood color, aspect, and lunar sway, her extended zodiac sign can be determined to be Cango, sign of the opus.


Calliope has a very polite, cheerful and friendly demeanor, and she tries to be helpful where she can although she is cautious about revealing too much information about herself due to her situation. She seems to be quite creative and is a writer and a talented artist. Similar to how the trolls were based on common internet archetypes, Calliope is based on the MS Paint Adventures fandom; Andrew Hussie has referred to her as the obnoxious fandom avatar character. She spends a large part of her time writing fanfiction and drawing fanart of the other Homestuck characters and self-inserting her trollsona, Callie Ohpeee, whose name is made to fit trolls’ 6-letter names (which mirrors Vriska’s spidersona in Alterniabound), into the stories. She often seems to think of her friends as characters in a story rather than actual people and seem to live vicariously through her imagined adventures with them. She also has a thing for wild speculations about the story, making up crazy out of every , often ending up .

Her self-esteem is quite low and she considers herself ugly, wishing to be more like humans and trolls, and especially feeling jealous of her ability to experience flushed romance (since she, being a cherub, can only have caliginous feelings). Her usually cheery mood can become defeatist and sometimes cranky when faced with problems, especially those relating to Caliborn, but she usually stays quite polite even when in a bad mood.

Calliope generally uses British English. This ties in with her lime blood, since «limey» is a common slang term for British people. In addition, the alternate spelling of some words (e.g. armor; armour, color; colour) lends itself to a higher instance of the letter «u» than in American English. It also ties into her resemblance to Lord «English». It should be noted that she doesn’t always use British spelling where it wouldn’t result in an extra «u»: for instance she uses “maneUver”, “hemo-”, “fUlfill”, “fUlfillment”, “learned”, “program” and “practice” (as a verb), instead of normal British «manoeuvre», «haemo-«, «fulfil», «fulfilment», «learnt», «programme» and «practise».

Calliope – претензия

Если вы после покупки товара Calliope обнаружили, что товар поврежден или у нехо нет достаточного качества, необходимо вернуть такой товар. Вы можете сделать это непосредственно в магазине Calliope, где вы покупаете. Даже для претензии у вас требование иметь квитанцию ​​об оплате. Претензия Calliope происходит так, что продавец принимает заявленные товара и больше всего в один месяц вы знакомы с результатами претензие. Если претензия является необоснованной, товар будет возвращен без ремонта или возврата денег. Если продавец определяет, что ваше требование оправдано,продавец Calliope выполнит ремонт товара, или товар обменивает на новый или дает вам возврат денег, как можно скорее.

Часы работы Calliope

В случае, если вы хотите посетить магазин Calliope не уверены в том, где и должен быть открытый, просто посетите веб-сайт торгового центра, в котором магазин находится, и часы работы можно найти очень легко там. Если ваш магазин Calliope не в любом из торговых центров и универмагов, попробуйте найти его, набрав имя бренда и адрес магазинов. Большинство производителей сегодня имеют свои собственные сайты, так что бы вы могли найти информацию определенно без проблемов. И если вы уже на сайте, то вполне возможно, что он также будет включать в себя магазин, так что вы можете купить продукты Calliope непосредственно через компьютер или мобильный телефон. Сэкономитесь время на поиск часы работы Calliope и блужданием по магазинам. Быстро и эффективно. И зачастую намного дешевле, чем в магазинах.

Большинство магазинов имеют часы работы с 9:00 до 21:00 и открыты с понедельника по воскресенье. Исключение небольших магазинов Calliope вне торговых центров, где могыт быть короче часы работы, чем в торговых центрах. Так что если у вас есть возможность делать покупки в торговом центре, вряд ли столкнется с закрытым магазином Calliope.

Возврат товара Calliope

Купили вы что-нибудь для себя в Calliope, а затем дома считали, что вы не подходите или вы пропустили идеальный размер? Или вы продукт бренда Calliope купили в качестве подарка , но вы пропустили вкус и размер? Не отчаивайтесь! Если товар не изношен или поврежден, по закону вы можете в течение срока вернуть товар или обменять его на другой. При возврате товара Calliope большинство клиентов не имеет никаких проблем. Просто посетите магазин Calliope с продуктами, которые вы хотите возвратить или обменять вместе с доказательством его оплаты и Calliope вам вернет деньги, или вы можете выбрать другие продукты. Выбор за вами. Возвращение товара Calliope только ветер!


To Caliborn

Calliope’s dead dream self.

In her conversation with Dirk she talks about her «brother» who is supposed to be her client player, although she has offered to be his client instead. She stresses that he is not her brother in the sense that humans would understand it and they do not even have the same blood color — although they still have a genetic similarity. Calliope’s dream self was killed by Caliborn. He promised not to kill her if Dirk plays a “GAME” with him, however in a “TWIST ENDING” he revealed that he had their session’s Jack Noir kill Calliope before the said game (at least from his temporal perspective). It is also mentioned that Caliborn would like to get his hands on Calliope’s Juju (just as she would like to do with his, ).

To the post-scratch kids

Calliope could possibly be considered the patron of all the post-scratch kids. Dirk explains to Jake that the chat client, allowing him and Roxy to communicate with Jake and Jane, was given to him by an “alien friend” in conversation. This more than likely implies that Calliope is the one who sent it to them and that she did so as a means to set up the foundation for their session.

She later admits to Dirk that she is a fan of the story of him and his friends and is near obsessed with the four. She also admits to having written fan fiction about them, including the romantic kind.

Calliope seems very friendly and cordial toward Jane and Jake, offering constructive advice about the alpha kids’ session. However, due to the rules of her and Caliborn’s game, she tends to be extraordinarily cagey when referring to personal details about herself. She is like this with Dirk and Roxy, but not shown to as much of an extent.

She seems very fond of Roxy and even confides in her during the final moments of her visibility into Roxy’s session. Calliope reveals to Roxy her name, title, and race, and even gives her some fan art of a Trickster Roxy. She admits to Roxy how beautiful she finds both the human and troll races, and how insecure she is about her own appearance, even going so far as to say that no one would even kiss her as a means of revival as a result. She seems taken aback by the notion of a flushed relationship, due to her race’s standpoint on the matter, but does not seem to object much to pale relationships.

With Calmasis

Calmasis in the films, displaying both Calliope’s and Caliborn’s symbols.

The published version of Complacency of the Learned, from the post-scratch universe.

Post-scratch Rose wrote a book that seems to reference events involving Calliope and Caliborn and stars a character named Calmasis, who seems to be representative of them both. This would tie in well with Calmasis’ androgynous nature. The cover of the book also features Calliope’s associated symbol and Calliope’s outfit is nearly identical to Calmasis’, with the dark green suit and red bow tie. Calliope also wears a wig that matches Calmasis’ snow-white hair, furthering the link between them. As Calmasis seemingly represents both Calliope and Caliborn, it is unclear which one is the antihero and which the antagonist.

Calliope and Caliborn are seen playing a game of chess. Caliborn had created tiny caps for his king and queen in order to hide one as the other after convincing Calliope to let him swap his king and queen’s starting positions, and thus fool her into believing he had swapped them while actually leaving them in their normal starting position. In the book, Calmasis engages Zazzerpan in a game of chess, which closely parallels the game of chess between Calliope and Caliborn. However, during their chess game, it was, in fact, Caliborn who plays the role of Calmasis, and Calliope who emulated Zazzerpan.

Andrew Hussie dressed in Calliope’s outfit.

Andrew Hussie was seen dressed in with Calliope’s sign, horns, and gray face paint. Later, it was shown that Calliope’s troll-like appearance was also a costume, meaning details of Hussie’s cosplay, such as fake horns and fake grey skin were, in fact, accurate, as it was a cosplay of a cosplay.

Calmasis was also displaying both Calliope’s and Caliborn’s chat symbols, set against a lime green and cherry red background representing Calliope’s and Caliborn’s blood colors. When Calliope was revealed, she was shown with a shackle bearing Caliborn’s symbol. The jagged two-color split background style seen on that page is one which is normally associated with conflict – for instance, between , or – which reinforces the tension between Calliope and Caliborn. The colors are also similar to those on the Sburb Beta and Sburb Alpha symbols.

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